It’s National Academic Folk Orchestra of Ukraine.
Being founded in 1969, the Orchestra has already won the recognition of audience in Ukraine and all over the world. The Orchestra has been on tour in all corners of the country and abroad, took part in more than 3000 concerts, in many art festivals and celebrations. Its performances arouse respect of the national art of Ukraine, its history and culture.
Orchestra repertoire consists the works of the Ukrainian and world classics and the works of modern composers too.
An original sound coloring, unforgettable timbres of national instruments (about 50 such instruments - banduras, cymbals, kobzas, violins, telynkas, zozulkas, drymbars, basols, lyres, reed pipes, kozobass, trumpet, Cossack pipe, bugay, pan-pipe, Poltava horn, beater, tambourine, hand-drum etc.) make the orchestra unique in the world.
The Orchestra makes popular folk songs with great enthusiasm and love.
Its history is connected with the creative work of the famous singers of Ukraine.
Many films have been shot about the collective, its works have been recorded on plates, cassettes and compact discs.
A brilliant originality of the collective, the peculiarity of its performance style based on traditions of folk music, provide decent success and recognition of the Orchestra. The clarity of intonation, the ensemble concordance, the brilliance of nuances and the virtuosity allowed raising the performance art of the orchestra to the world professional level.
People’s Artists of Ukraine, Honored Artists of Ukraine, Laureates of international musical competitions work in the Orchestra.
Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Orchestra is Viktor GUTSAL, People’s Artist
of Ukraine, laureate of the National Taras-Shevchenko Prize, Professor, Chairman of the Association of Ukrainian folk instrumental music, Secretary of the All-Ukrainian National Musical Union.
CK Zamek Poznań
Eurovision Grand Final – 2017